Do I Need A Jingle to Make a Good Radio Ad?

No! Well, not necessarily. Many times a jingle can take away from an effective ad trying to make an effective advertising point. Jingles, however, can be great branding tools. How many people living in Southern California know the Jingle…”Where you won’t get a lemon, I really won’t get a lemon! At Toyota of Orange.” Or what about nationally the jingle from Alka Seltzer, “Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz, Oh What a Relief it is.” Jingles can be great and really do help people remember a product. Yes, I am going to say it again. The goal of an effective advertising campaign is for a consumer to think of your company FIRST when they are ready to use your products and services. This as you know doesn’t come right away but is established over time. I can tell you that at one point, anyone with an upset stomach either could think of Alka Seltzer right away, or had someone standing next to them saying, “Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz.”

So when isn’t a jingle necessary? As I said earlier in this post a jingle can take away from the point an advertiser should make. When advertising you should always make a single point very boldly. Don’t try to make to many claims in one ad. In direct response advertising jingles are rarely used as the goal is to be clear and concise about an offer that is going to help them. The goal is to introduce the consumer to your sales person, your website, or to put the product in the consumers hands. This way the branding happends through direct response. In direct response advertising ads are typically made not with creativity but with a valuable reason why the consumer should buy the product. Branding through direct response is an amazingly powerful tool and will benefit any advertiser in the longterm.

I am not saying that short term direct response marketing doesn’t work, I am just saying that the amount of response that you are going to get from a short campaign is marginal compared to a campaign that allows the advertising to work to it’s fullest potential.

If you are considering direct response advertising email me at

Or call me at 818 566 4646 for a consultation of your company

One response to “Do I Need A Jingle to Make a Good Radio Ad?

  1. Hi Cameron, I enjoyed your blog; just setting up one myself for my creative audio production house. We create custom jingles and jingle packages for clients across North America.
    Drop by if you like.. it’d be good to see you.

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