Monthly Archives: February 2008

If you are a mortgage company stop hesitating and start advertising!!!

Projected for Tuesday Feb 12th President Bush is going to sign the economic stimulus package. This is going to raise the Conforming home loan limit to $625,000. When this happens people that previously had to get a JUMBO HOME LOAN now are going to be able to qualify for better non-conforming rates. If you are a Mortgage Company you have to start advertising because consumers are going to be scrambling to get cheaper loans and cheaper fees.


There is going to be a swarm of your competitors jumping into the market come Tuesday to advertise. This means radio stations, are going to be able to charge a premium for mortgage companies to come on because they can only limit it to so many companies at a time. If you get in before your competitors you will lock in a lower advertising rate then your competitors.

If you want to know which radio stations will generate the most leads for your Mortgage Company, call me today at 310 259 7556. Or email me at