Effective Radio Advertising Tip of the Day #6

The most effective radio advertising tip when promoting a product and a store.

The term piggybacking is used when an advertiser buys a 60 second radio spot to advertise 2 products of the same category or that are related to one another. For instance, right now I am working with a watch company owned by a man (for reference) named David. David not only sells high end watches but he also owns a very high end jewelry store in which he sells these very watches. As part of our promotion for his watch company and his jewelry store we are running 60 second spots instead of 30’s.

Lets say on average a 60 second spot was going to cost $500 dollars to air, and a 30 second spot was going to cost $400. By buying a 60 second spot we can split the commercial up into two separate advertisements and save $300 dollars per commercial. If you were running 10 spots a week this would total up to $1300, and over a 4 month period $28,000.

Here’s how it works: In the first advertisement we focused on his Jewelry store. We talked about different things that made his jewelry store STANDOUT from his competitors and captured the audience with a desirable reason to visit the store.

The second commercial focused on David’s watches. We had our radio personality do an endorsement and talk about how much he loves the watches. Then at the end of the commercial we tell the listeners that they can buy the watches at the jewelry store mentioned in the commercial prior.

By doing this we are not only cutting costs but by putting similar products in 2 seperate commercials back to back but we are also increasing our frequency. Now the consumer just heard two seperate commercials about the same store and associated both positively and in a similar category of nice jewelry and nice watches.

For more radio advertising tips or if you are interested in direct respond advertising in Los Angeles, or Orange County call 818 566 4646 or email me at cameronsamimi@clearchannel.com

If you think talk, or news radio advertising on KFI AM 640, KNX 1070 or KFWB News 980 in the Los Angeles Radio or Orange County market is right for you I would be glad to offer a free consultation of your company to help you better understand your advertising options.

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