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Use Radio To Capture New Lasik Leads!

Use Radio to Capture New Lasik Leads

By contributing writer, Steve Rossi

Several years ago, Lasik Surgery advertising completely broke open the direct to consumer surgical marketing category. You couldn’t turn on any radio station without being bombarded with commercials for, So and So’s Lasik Surgeon. And still today, you can’t turn on any radio station without being bombarded by commercials for, So and So’s Lasik surgeon! The point is: radio has made many Lasik surgeons millionaires many times over.

Why aren’t you using radio? I’ve talked to Lasik surgeons who don’t want to advertise on radio because they don’t want to “sound desperate” or “hokey”. What they don’t realize is that radio advertising done properly will make you sound more professional and approachable than any other form of advertising. Radio allows you to build a relationship with your target patient. Endorsed commercials work the best. Endorsed commercials are like having your best patient tell all of their friends about you, but in this case they have a million friends. Think about it. Would you rather send a flier out to 10,000 people screaming “$599 per eye! Financing available!” Or, would you prefer to have a million potential patients hear their favorite morning drive personality, someone they’ve been listening to for years, say “I went to Dr. ______ Lasik last year and my vision has been perfect ever since. Dr. __________ Lasik Surgeon is the only one I would trust my eyes to and the only one I’d send my wife to. He answered all my questions and made me totally comfortable. If you would like to see if you’re right for Lasik, call my friend Dr.__________ Lasik Surgeon at . . .”

Now, if you’re the type of surgeon that doesn’t like to talk to people then you better be the type of surgeon that doesn’t like money. Radio will bring people through your door, but it is your job to back up all the promises you made in your ad. That means sitting down with your potential patients and explaining everything to make them feel comfortable with the procedure. If you do that, you can charge whatever you want. If you want people to come through the door and sit down under your laser then go with the “599 per eye! Financing available!” flier. However, if you’re ready to build a great reputation and increase your profit per patient then go with radio. We can show you how.

If you want direct response advertising now! Advertise on Talk Radio KFI AM 640, KNX 1070, KFWB News 980, KRLA, AM 570 Sports

Radio Advertising Tip of the Day #4

In Radio Advertising being #1 in a category is easier when you are first in that category.

I am sure by now every radio listener has heard of orange oil. It’s the new alternative to tenting your house. Every termite company out there is going to tell you that they provide the best orange oil service. So many companies are doing orange oil termite services that the Los Angeles Radio market has become flooded. Regardless, certain companies will remain #1.

Why is this? These companies were the first in the market. Anyone who makes a product first has the market advantage in becoming the most known name in the consumers mind. By being first you have instantly branded your product by associating it with your name. Coca-Cola was the first to create coke and other soda products and thus will always remain dominant in the market. Coke and Cola are both names associated with the Coca-Cola company. Napster was the first to offer file sharing via the internet for music, and until the crackdown, they were the dominant name. Or what about the Razor scooters that were so popular among kids 5 years ago. Anyone that has a kid knows about Razors and probably saw about 15 other brands of scooters that looked exactly the same. I would challenge most parents or kids to name any of these other brands.

Does this mean if you can’t be the first in the market that you shouldn’t even try to advertise. NO!!!. All you have to do is be the first to reach a specific audience. To go back to the Orange Oil termite example, Jeff Hiatt Termite was the first to reach out to the KFI AM 640 market by advertising in the AM drive. As of right now they own that market share and for anyone to take the dominant name in a KFI listeners mind, they would have to spend at least 3x the amount Jeff Hiatt is spending to make their name stand out. Miraculously, there is one other very successful Termite service that is advertising on KFI AM 640.

Pacific Coast Termite is on KFI AM 640 but they are not competing with Jeff Hiatt. How did they do this without trying to outspend Jeff Hiatt? PCT decided to be first in a seperate daypart. They currently dominate the PM drive on the John and Ken Show where there are no other termite companies advertising.

If you are looking to get into radio but you feel the market is swamped with similar products or services already, then find a untapped day part or radio station and try to own it. Or if you are first in the market, maximize your branding and advertising potential before competitors swarm the market. This way you will always be first.

If you are considering direct response advertising email me at

Or call me at 818 566 4646 for a consultation of your company

If you think talk, or news radio advertising on KFI AM 640, KNX 1070 or KFWB News 980 in the Los Angeles Radio market is right for you then call me to setup a consultation.

Who says you need to see the product?

I had a client once tell me that his product wasn’t right for radio because it is a product that needs to be seen.

I started to think about it and almost agreed with him, but instead, I asked him a question.

“Have you ever watched a movie about a book that you have already read?” I asked

99% of the time (maybe with the exception of Beowulf in IMAX 3D which is actually pretty good) the book tends to be leaps and bounds better. Why is this? Words are imagery of the mind. You can always paint a better mental picture then real life can show you. Mental images are as vivid and when formed by the consumer come into thier mind typically in the ideal state. As an advertiser you have the power to form these powerful images in your consumers mind.

Do you realize that you can empower your radio listeners to see themselves as financially wealthy, enjoying watching their favorite NFL team on their OWN BIG SCREEN TV, and even make them see the benefit of having your product in their life.

This is where the real challenge comes! Do you have the ability to paint a powerful mental image about your product or services that is appealing to the consumer. In order to do this you must first put yourself in their shoes. Of course you know why your product is great but does your consumer. If you were the consumer what would make you want to buy the product.

If you are interested in creating powerful direct response advertising campaigns please email me at Or call me at 818 566 4646 for a consultation of your company.

Radio Advertising Tip of the Day!

“I can’t stand that guy!” – Many advertisers won’t advertise on a station just because they don’t agree with the political views of the radio personality that they are sharing air time with. Remember, buying radio advertising is about buying an audience (i.e. high-income, home owners, with lots of discretional income to spend on your products.). You may not agree with Rush Limbaugh or Dr. Laura’s advice, but their listeners that tune in religiously everyday to hear their message are the ones that are going to be buying your products and services. Don’t listen to the personalities, but to the sound of your register ringing.

If you are considering direct response advertising email me at

Or call me at 818 566 4646 for a consultation of your company

Talk Radio is the Most Effective Channel to Produce Direct Response Advertising

Do you have a favorite television show?

Mine is Lost on ABC. I know every week I make sure that I am available every Wednesday at 9pm to watch Lost with my friends.

Talk Radio is similar in this respect. Opposed to FM radio or News Radio, where people just tune in to get a snippet of news before changing the station, or put on some music to play in the background while they think about what they have to do with their day before changing the station when a commercial comes on, talk radio is completely active.

Try this. Turn on a talk radio station that you know and try and think about what you have to do for the day, or try and write an email. Granted, some of you will actually be able to do this, primarilly women as they generally are better at multi-tasking, but for the most part, most of you will not be able to TUNE OUT of what the radio personality is saying. This is why radio is an active audience. People tune in everyday to hear their favorite personallity, whether it’s Rush Limbaug, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, or even Hugh Hewitt. These people are the LOST television show of your drive to and from work each day. Their listeners are avid and passionate listeners that tune in everyday to their favorite personality and eat up everything they say.

When creating direct response on AM talk radio:

1. You know people are actively listening to your advertisement

2. If done correctly it should be incorporated with the content as part of the station so that people are craving it the same way they crave the radio show they are tuned in for

3. You have gained the trust of the listener – If you are advertising on a station such as KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles, the listeners generally trust the companies advertising on the air as they trust the station. Once again, the listeners of AM Talk radio station have a one way relationship with the station as they know the personalities and are long term listeners. The listeners and the station have ultimately created a long term one way relationship.

If your interested in knowing the most effective ways to advertise on AM Talk Radio to drive direct results to your business email me today and I will get back to you within the hour.
Check out the story here FindArticles – Direct response ads propel KFI to new heights
on KFI and it’s direct response capabilities.

If you are considering direct response advertising email me at

Or call me at 818 566 4646 for a consultation of your company